Statutes of association 

ARTICLE 1 - Constitution and denomination

It is founded, between the members with the present statutes, an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901 having for title

AAHA (Association of Old of Honeywell Amiens). 

ARTICLE 2 - Object

- To maintain relations cordial

- To practise joint activities

- To give supports

- To exchange information 

ARTICLE 3 - Registered office

It is with the address of the president 

ARTICLE 4 - The association of composes of:

- Members of right: paid, temporary, training and the people who worked within the factory of Honeywell Amiens

- Friends sponsored by the general assembly, on a proposal from the board of directors

The adherent members pour a contribution fixed each year by the general assembly on a proposal from the board of directors. 

ARTICLE 5 - Loss of the membership

The membership is lost by:

- The resignation

- The death

- The radiation pronounced by the board of directors for reason engraves or not payment of the contribution. The interested party having been invited by letter registered in front of the board of directors to provide explanations, it can make call of this decision before the general assembly. 

ARTICLE 6 - Responsibility for the members

No member of association is personally responsible for the underwriting liabilities by it. Only the inheritance of association answers of these engagements. 

ARTICLE 7 - The resources of association are consisted:

- The amount of the contributions

- Subsidies communal, departmental, regional and national

- Gifts in kind 

ARTICLE 8 - Board of directors

Association is directed and represented by a board of directors elected by his members. The members of the council, with the minimum number of 6, are elected each year by the general assembly with the secret vote and are re-eligible. The functions of member of the board of directors are free. The expenses and outlays of their mandate are refunded to them with the sights of the supporting documents. 

ARTICLE 9 - Office

The board of directors elects, in his centre, an office made up of:

- A president and/or one or more vice-president

- A secretary and an assistant secretary

- A treasurer and if it is necessary an associated treasurer

This office is that of the general assembly. 

ARTICLE 10 - Board meeting

The board of directors at least meets 2 times per annum, on convocation of the president or request of the quarter of his members. The presence of at least half of its members is necessary so that the board of directors can deliberate validly.

In the event of prevention, each member can be made represent by another member of the board of directors. Only the signed capacities indicating the agent will be accepted, the delegation is limited to a capacity by anybody. The decisions are made in the majority of the voices. In the event of division, the voice of the president is dominating. Any member of the board of directors which, without excuse, will not have attended three successive meetings, will be regarded as resigner (except in the event of cause beyond control).

The deliberations of the board of directors are consigned in a register and are signed of the president and the secretary. 

ARTICLE 11 - The ordinary general assembly

The ordinary general assembly includes/understands all the members of association.

Formalities of convocation:

Fifteen days before the fixed date, the members of association are convened by mail by the secretary. The agenda of the general assembly is defined by the board of directors. It comprises a management report at least, the approval of the accounts of the past year, the vote of the budget of the following exercise and thus of the contribution and the election of the new board of directors.

A form of being able making it possible to give the capacity to another member present at the time of the general assembly must be envisaged. Only the capacities duly filled and signed will be taken into account; the not signed capacities will be regarded as null.

The decisions are made in the majority of the present and represented by a show of hands or with the secret vote at the request of with less the quarter of the members present. The election of the members of the board of directors is done with secret bulletin. 

ARTICLE 12 - Extraordinary general meeting

If the necessary one is felt some (modification of the statutes, fusion, dissolution of association), or at the request of half of the members of association, the board of directors convenes an extraordinary general assembly according to same formalities' of convocation as for an ordinary general assembly (art 11).

So that the decisions are validly made, it is necessary:

- a quorum of half of the members of association

- a vote acquired in the majority of two thirds of the present and represented by a show of hands or with the secret vote

If one of the conditions is not obtained, a second general assembly is convened without condition of quorum and with vote in the majority absolute.

In the event of dissolution voted by the general assembly, one or more liquidators are named by this one and the credit, if it is necessary, is reserved in accordance with article 9 of the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901.

ARTICLE 13 - Rules of procedure

Rules of procedure can be established by the board of directors which makes it approve by the general assembly. This possible payment is intended to fix the various points not fixed by the statutes, in particular those which milked with the internal administration of association. 

ARTICLE 14 - Administrative formalities

The board of directors, by his president or his secretary must carry out all the formalities of declaration and publication relating to the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901 as well at the moment of creation as during his later existence.

- Composition of the board of directors and the office (names, first names, addresses)

- New statutes if it is necessary