A.C.: Sales turnover.

Chart CMS: Electronic chart on which Components Assembled on the Surface are.

Center configuration: Company of the Group which finalizes a standard product (of which the design is under the responsibility of another center) in function - requirements of the customer.

Center Excellence: Company of the Honeywell Group which develops, manufactures and distributes one or more apparatuses. Each Center is responsible, on a European or world scale, of the evolution of one of technologies of the Company.

DIB: Industrial waste Banals: paper, paperboards, waste green…

SAY: Special Industrial waste: piles, tubes fluo, aerosols, oils, solvents…

E.F.Q.M.: European Foundation for Quality Management. Model being useful for the development of the strategic and operational objectives following the 9 following topics: Direction, Staff management, Policy and strategy, Resources, Process, Satisfaction of the Personnel, Satisfaction of the customers, Integration to the life of the community, Results operational.

Subsidiary company: Retailer who belongs to Honeywell.

Joint-venture: Reciprocal agreement of distribution of the products of two companies.

Process: Together of means and activities dependent which transform elements entering into outgoing elements.

Special: Apparatuses modified and configured according to requests' of the customer.

TQM: Total Quality Management: Will of constant improvement of the whole of the activities of the company.

Underwriters Laboratories: Organization of certification produced