Its policy:

Quality (Its evolution):

At the beginning of the Nineties, the need to evolve more and more to the prevention finds its tool in the “Quality assurance” and the Standards ISO 9000. Certification ISO 9001 in 1992 comes to consolidate the factory in its search of the satisfaction of its customers, more than competitiveness and reliability of its products. Then, Honeywell will stick to the services rendered to the customers and will work in partnership with its subsidiary companies.

In 1992, the factory of Amiens is interested of close so that could bring the “TQM” or “Business Excellence”. The Total Quality Management consists of the application of the process of continuous improvement of quality in all the fields of the company. To arrive with this TQM, it is necessary to have the methods and to give the means to each service of improving quality everywhere in the company.
To help to pass from the governing idea of Total Quality to the application, model EFQM identifies four intermediate objectives called “Results”, and five “Factors” on which one can act:

Since 1994, the concept of “Total Quality” is strongly integrated and is part from now on of the culture of company. The participations in contests TQM make it possible to regularly call into question its ways of working and reinforce the motivation of the personnel. 1997: 2nd Price France Quality
The efforts of these last years related to the improvement of the common processes (subsidiary relation/factory) so that the customer perceives the Honeywell organization like only one entity arrived at Excellence in each one of his fields. This progression towards excellence was continued by the participation in 1999 in the Contest European Quality of organization M&C Europe (according to model EFQM). Honeywell M&C Europe was one of the 13 finalists of the contest 1999 in the category “Large companies and operational units”


Nowadays, it is extremely important to be concerned with environment, as an individual, but more especially an industry. This is why Honeywell Amiens, by concern of the respect of the environment, set up in 1996 a system of environmental management on the site. One internal audit carried out in 1999 concluded in conformity from the system compared to the requirements from the standard ISO 14001. The objective of the factory, to date, is conformity to this standard and not certification.

Large efforts were thus made for energy saving. Examples:
• Water: The manufactoring processes do not use any more water. Since November 1996, the use of a new flow (without cleaning) on the machine Welding-Cut-Welding made it possible to remove the operations of washing with softened water.
• Energy (natural gas and electricity): Important savings were realized, thanks to a good stock management permitted by the Technical system of Management of the Building industry (system of Supervision), and by the replacement of the electric radiators and the installation of thermostatic taps in the offices.
 Economies between 1996 and 2000: Gaz=10,2 KF, Electricité=171,7 KF.


Honeywell makes also safety one of its principles, so that the life and the environment of each one are supplemented harmoniously. The company seeks to develop in the spirit of his/her collaborators, the awakening of the risks related to the negligences as regards hygiene and safety. Therefore Management founded the method of the “5S”.
(Example: to see my 3rd mission: “The management of the dangerous products. ”)

This method allows the improvement of the working conditions, safety and better circulation of matter flows.